科学 » 科学 Course Descriptions

科学 Course Descriptions

科学 Department Chairperson: Mr. Josh Truax


先决条件: 9th graders – Composite score of 40 or above on the Placement Test; 10th graders – This course is required of all 10th graders who did not take 生物学 or 荣誉生物学 in 9th grade and who are not taking A.P. 生物学 or 荣誉生物学 in 10th grade.

(9-10) 一门旨在为学生提供科学过程和生命系统本质背景知识的课程. It involves the study of biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, 遗传学, the classification of organisms, ecology and an overview of human body systems.

(Meets CSU/UC “d” requirement; NCAA Approved)
先决条件: 9th graders – Composite score of 70th percentile or higher on the Placement Exam; 10th graders – “C” or better in 荣誉化学 OR Department approval.

(9-10) 本课程是对大学预科生物课程所涵盖的材料进行更深入的调查.

(Meets CSU/UC “d” requirement; NCAA Approved)
跳级 生物学

(10-12) A course comparable to a first-year college course, designed to provide students with the conceptual framework, 事实性知识, 以及批判性地处理瞬息万变的生物学所必需的分析技能. Additional lectures, readings and research will be required.

(Meets CSU/UC “d” requirement; NCAA Approved)
先决条件: A cumulative GPA of 3.2分或以上,代数1达到B或以上,代数1A和1B达到a,完成一门生物课程.

(10-12) This course involves the study of matter and its properties and interactions. Students will learn the fundamentals of problem solving in chemistry. They will study atomic theory, 化学成键, chemical reactions and 能源, the concept of the mole, 和化学计量学.

(Meets CSU/UC “d” requirement; NCAA Approved)
先决条件: 9th graders – Composite score of 88th percentile or higher on the Placement Exam and concurrent enrollment in Honors Geometry or higher Math course; 10th graders – an “A” in 荣誉生物学 and an “A” in Algebra 1 both semesters.

(9-10) 本课程是对大学预科化学课程中所涵盖的材料进行更深入的考察.

(Meets CSU/UC “d” requirement; NCAA Approved)

跳级 化学
先决条件: A cumulative GPA of 3.5或以上, a “B” or higher in 荣誉化学, completion of a physics course, and completion of or concurrent enrollment in Precalculus.

本课程的设计相当于大学一年级的化学课程. It requires extensive outside reading and preparation. This course offers an in-depth exploration of the fundamentals of chemistry, 主要侧重于处理化学问题和实验室情况的能力.

(Meets CSU/UC “d” requirement; NCAA Approved)
(11-12) 物理学是一门定量的实验科学,研究有关物质的基本概念, 能源, 空间, time and their interrelationships. Specific areas of study will include mechanics, 热, 声音, 光, 电, 和磁, atomic and nuclear 能源.

(Meets CSU/UC “d” requirement; NCAA Approved)
先决条件: A cumulative GPA of 3.5或以上, completion of a chemistry course, and a “B” or better each semester of Precalculus OR “A” each semester in Honors Algebra 2.

(11-12) 本课程是为即将进入大学的学生设计的,这些学生将在他们的大学生涯中学习额外的科学和工程课程. 学生将面临的挑战是将数学技能应用到微积分预科,并以新的方式应用物理概念. 许多开放式问题需要评估和尝试新的方法来单独或合作解决问题. Projects will encourage creative design and application of physics 概念. The outcome will be a advanced base for further study in college physics. Topics such as mechanics, 热, 声音, 光, 电, magnetism and atomic and nuclear 能源 will be covered.

(Meets CSU/UC “d” requirement and Honors designation; NCAA approved)
跳级 物理 C: Mechanics

(12) This course is designed to be the equivalent of a first-year, calculus based college physics course in mechanics. 学生将深入了解物理学的基本原理及其在力学问题中的应用.

(Meets CSU/UC “d” requirement; NCAA Approved)
先决条件: Passing grade in 生物学.

(10-12) The essential goal of 地球科学 is to provide students with the scientific principles, 概念, and methods to understand and interpret basic topics in geology, 海洋学, 气象学, 天文学, 地震学, 和火山学.

(Meets CSU/UC “g” requirement; NCAA Approved)

(10-12) This course stresses the structure and functions of the human body. An anatomical overview of 10 body systems including the integumentary, 肌肉发达的, 骨骼, 心血管, 淋巴, 尿, 呼吸, 消化, 神经和内分泌系统与这些系统如何执行其所需功能相结合. 此外,将使用特定术语来指定解剖区域的位置和位置. 对身体化学和细胞生理学的总体概述将为深入了解每个身体系统作序.

(Meets CSU/UC “d” requirement; NCAA Approved)
跳级 Environmental 科学
先决条件: A cumulative GPA of 3.2或以上, 两学期生物学成绩均达到B或以上,两学期化学成绩均达到C或以上.

(11-12) AP Environmental 科学 is designed to be the equivalent of a one-semester, introductory college class in environmental science. This class will prepare students to take the AP Environmental 科学 exam. The goal of the class is to provide students with the scientific principles, 概念 and methodologies required to understand the inter-relationships of the natural world; to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made; to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems; and to examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. If class requests are too large, seniors will be given priority for enrollment.

(Meets CSU/UC “d” requirement; NCAA Approved)
Introduction to 运动医学
先决条件:累积绩点2.5 and completion of an 地球科学 or 化学 course. 先决条件 may also be met by permission of Dean of 课程.

(11-12) 本课程旨在为学生提供运动医学领域的科学和实践介绍. This course will include topics such as: general health, 急救, 心肺复苏, structural and functional anatomy, 许多运动损伤的胶布和包裹技术以及骨科评估和治疗. 这门课还需要在课堂外的运动训练室工作几个小时, under the supervision of a Certified Athletic Trainer, to observe athletic injuries and treatment.

(Meets CSU/UC “d” requirement)

运动医学: 体育训练

(11-12) 这个为期一年的课程旨在为学生提供急救基础知识的实践介绍, 心肺复苏 and orthopedic evaluation of injuries within the athletics population. 人体解剖学和生理学或运动医学导论必须在之前或同时完成,因为本课程将使用这些背景知识作为本课程的基础. This class will introduce the learning of orthopedic assessment of injuries, 伤害类型, 以及作为医疗紧急情况的第一响应者如何使用多种教学策略来应对各种形式的学习, but focusing on the hands on approach through practicum. Multiple laboratory activities are included to further aid in the learning process. 我们鼓励学生加入运动医学俱乐部,并在课余时间担任学生运动教练,将他们学到的新技能运用到生活中.

(Meets CSU/UC “g” requirement)
(9-12) A course in which the student participates in various sport, 身体和改良活动,提供积极的社会互动以及身体健康.

Additional ways of fulfilling the 10 unit 体育课 graduation requirement:
5单位: Completion of a season of competition on a Damien interscholastic sports team.
5单位: Marching Band course or Winter Percussion course completed after school.
2单位: Participation for a semester in the Damien Bowling Club.

Health (semester course)
先决条件:没有 – required of all 9th graders.

(9) This course focuses on physical, social, emotional, and mental aspects of health. Students will explore the impact of physical activity and nutrition on one’s health; mental health; the impact of various legal and illegal drugs and medications, 烟草, and alcohol on the body; infectious and noninfectious diseases.

Introduction to Fitness Training

(10-12) 本课程旨在让学生有机会学习重量训练的概念和技巧,以达到高水平的健康. Students will benefit from exposure to comprehensive weight training, 交叉训练, 健身技术, 适当的补充, and cardio呼吸 endurance activities. Students will learn the basic fundamentals of weight training, 力量训练, 有氧训练, and resources used to maintain quality fitness levels. The course will include lecture, 活动会话, assessments to ensure safety, and fitness program development.